PinnedPublished inCodeXPostgres, dear Watson, Postgres!Beyond SQLAlchemy’s abstraction — Postgres offers speed improvements in a sea of complexity. This is a swim in that complexity — a swim in…Jun 3Jun 3
PinnedPublished inPython in Plain EnglishNew Python Tools That Deserve Your AttentionThings seem to be accelerating. That means I’m either getting older, or that there are more people on the planet and they’re coding. Here…Apr 299Apr 299
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishArrow-jsJavascript template literals are a very powerful tool. The little `tick` allows for multi-line strings, embedded expressions and tagged…Jun 72Jun 72
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishVanjs — magic!Have you missed jQuery? Did that $ save you from having to remember how to manipulate the DOM with javascript? Well, it’s all just gotten…May 113May 113
Good or BadA review of “Good” by C.P. Taylor and how it frames now and how to make it “Bad” and “Green”.Apr 21, 2023Apr 21, 2023
Post TruthThe other day I had a phone called with a loved one — that’s a family member. He said we are living in a post-truth world, refering to the…Apr 1, 2023Apr 1, 2023